Although Rogaine and Propecia have been proven effective for hair loss treatment,their share of the market is insignificant . The market for quasi-drugs or food products are much larger. Most of these products are applied hair growth stimulators or shampoos,and their main ingredients are often plant extractions that may inhibit the enzyme involved in balding.
Wigs are the most popular method of replacing hair. While wigs instantly change one's appearances, the hairline is unnatural, and wearers often complain that wigs are uncomfortable, especially when travelling or playing sports.
Various surgeries have been tried for androgenetic alopecia. They have included bi-lobe temporal flap surgery, free flap surgery, and scalp reduction. Most procedures have unnatural-looking results or unacceptable adverse effects and thus are considered out of date.
The transplant of artificial hair is a method of directly planting artificial fibers into the scalp. It was an extremely popular technique worldwide in the 1970s but was banned by the U.S. FDA in 1983 due to adverse effects.